How to Surpass and Outclass Your Competition – 5 Reasons You Need Professional 3D Rendering

Let’s face it, real estate development has changed over the last 20 years. More so just in the previous five. Once upon a time, you could buy a block – or 10, build your development and go-to-market. Less competition would equal a faster sale, ideally equating to a healthy profit margin, without a 3D Render to be seen.

However, fast forward 20 years, and developments are popping up left, right, centre, and anywhere else land is available. The competition to gain the attention of a potential buyer has never been as challenging.

Success in today’s market begins with a great design and ends with the sale –  no different from 20 years ago. The real change is what you now have to do to get there. This is where 3D Renders become the lifeblood of your development.

5 Reasons Why 3D Renders are Indispensable to Your Business:

1. Gaining building approval from Council

3D Renders are very advantageous when submitting your plans to the Council. Some even require them with the application. Irrespective of your Local Council’s preference, you should be supplying them. When they can visualise your finalised project, it provides a clearer vision of your development and how it will affect the streetscape. Thus helping you take your development over the line – assuming it aligns with the Council’s plans for the area.

2. Better visibility in the market

When it comes to selling real estate, everybody knows that a tangible product is an easier sell. So when you don’t have a finished development but have to sell 25% of the units at 50% completion, you need to create an emotional attachment to non-existent property. In Australian cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of developments vying for the attention of the buyer. This is where a high-quality 3D Render can be the difference between your unit selling off the plan, or the developer across the road securing the deal.

3. Reduce development costs

Mistakes can and will happen during the design phase of your project. It could be something as simple as the waterfall granite bench clashing with the Italian floor tile. To the external plantation shutters not radiating the streamlined effect you had envisioned. Whether it is a minor or significant change, it is much easier to make alterations during the planning stage, rather than during construction. A 3D Render grants you this opportunity before you start to build.

4. Opens up a world of potential buyers – Literally

Harnessing the power of 3D Rendering for your development enables you to reach buyers all over the world. People no longer need to be in the same country, or even continent to invest in or buy in your development. With the power of social media and the online real estate market, it is essential that your business embraces 3D Rendering services to stay a step ahead of your competition.

5. Easier to attain than ever before

In the past 3D Renders were often done by the Architect. Making the process unnecessarily fiddly and expensive. Don’t get me wrong; this is still being done. However, you now have the option to enlist a 3D Rendering company to create these for you. With the introduction of new technology and competition, it brings quicker turnaround times and more affordable prices. Therefore it has never been easier or more economical to add 3D Renders to your project plan.

Convinced? Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this technology? Win-Win.

But, be warned, with 3D Renders, you get what you pay for. A $99.00 image is going to look like a $99.00 image, not a great representation of your development. So choose wisely. Find a local company, who will create your 3D Render in Australia, not offshore. This will afford you a better turnaround time and a much better result.

Happy Selling!

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** All the information in this BLOG is of a general nature only, it is not intended to provide personal or business advice on the property market or individual situations.